Das ECNP hat die AGNP erneut eingeladen, 2 bis 3 Kandidat(inn)en aus Deutschland für
The ECNP School of Neuropsychopharmacology
5-10. Juli 2015, Oxford, United Kingdom

zu nominieren.
Das ECNP nennt die folgenden Richtlinien für die Auswahl der Teilnehmer:

The ECNP Schools were established to encourage excellence in clinical neuropsychopharmacology in junior practitioners and to contribute to the continuing improvement of the field’s high standards of practice.

The idea is to have one interactive week with an international faculty of experts. Suitable candidates are qualified psychiatrists, nationals of a European country, who are normally within 5 years of having received their defining qualification and likely to become key leaders in their individual countries. The ideal candidate would be an individual who has the potential to spread the knowledge acquired in this course in their own country.


All candidates that apply through National Societies etc. will be reviewed by the coordinator of the relevant school. Criteria such as CV, motivation and balance in countries apply. Please note that we receive more applications than places available each year. Therefore a nomination is not yet a guarantee to become a participant of a school.


We would be grateful if you could recommend 2 to 3 candidates per school* for your country, based on the above mentioned qualifications. If possible, we would like you to implement a national selection process on the basis of best poster, abstract, research, etc. presented at a national meeting. We would like to receive the most suitable candidates of your country and encourage you to look beyond your own institute.
Please note that it is not allowed for individuals to attend more than one school of ECNP.

Guy Goodwin
ECNP President & Coordinator ECNP School of Neuropsychopharmacology

Die Deadline beim ECNP ist der 26. Februar 2015.
Zuvor wird der Vorstand der AGNP die Kandidat(inn)en, die in Deutschland ansässig sind, aufgrund ihrer Qualifikation auswählen. Bewerber werden daher gebeten Ihre Bewerbung bis spätestens 09.02.2015 an den Geschäftsführer der AGNP,
Prof. Dr. Axel Steiger, steiger@mpipsykl.mpg.de per E-Mail zu senden.

Die Bewerbung soll entsprechend den Richtlinien des ECNP die folgenden Informationen erhalten:

Last Name:
First Name:
Date of birth:
Postal code:

2. About the applicant
Academic and higher professional qualifications (starting with most recent)

3. Are you currently undertaking any formal training or qualifications?
If yes, please provide details.

4. Prizes Obtained
Please describe prizes obtained and year of award

5. Full Employment History, including present position
List should start with current post and read in reverse chronological order. (Include end date for current contract.)

6. If you have experienced any career breaks please detail below.

7. Personal statement: Career Intentions

8. Professional Body Membership
E.g. Royal Colleges, scientific societies, professional organisations

9. Publications
List any papers in refereed journals. Include title, authors, journal and pagination. Please indicate with * the most significant publications. Electronic copies of manuscripts in press must be included. Please list below.

10. Research Experience to Date
Including other relevant experience e.g. details of research training, technical skills, responsibility for managing other staff where applicable.

11. Formal Research Training Courses to Date
Please include title of course/modules, location, duration and specify whether.

Die vom AGNP-Vorstand Nominierten werden informiert und erhalten vom ECNP ein Link, über das sie sich noch einmal direkt bewerben müssen.
Die AGNP gehört dem Advisory Board of National Societies als Vertreterin Deutschlands an. Daher sollten die Bewerber in Deutschland tätig sein oder aus Deutschland stammen. Interessenten aus anderen Ländern wird empfohlen, sich an die entsprechenden Fachgesellschaften (siehe og. Webadresse) zu wenden.